Sunday, June 5, 2011

Young Designers Market @ South Bank

Well i was taking it easy pushing stock for my colleges YDM stall in July but my slight dyslexia got in the way. Luckily i checked last Wednesday or i woulda missed out again! But the main design i was really super keen on entering wasnt ready.
Photos from the past the start of the day, did that make sense?

 Some of these were supposed to be pendants too but ran out of flat back charms, i also misplaced some too...I basically rushed this collection. But all in all, i reckon i did really well for myself!! I am oh so very proud!! I made $36 for a days work! Thats better than nothing, right?

I swear i sold more than that, apparently my stuff is under priced but you know what, i am hardly in it for the money but i guess something has pay rent, get teo & haru wet food, my food, get to college etc.

These pendants, ring, brooches are all made from recycled junk linoleum floor tiles, off cuts from wood shapes like letters & alphabets etc,postcards like free advant cards, photo images that i didnt end using for inspiration/mood/design boards. Resin jewelry uses stale or expired foods, or found objects.
Intro YDM sale Rings were $4   Brooches $5-7[ Mark Ryden-Tree Nurse is actually a brooch & necklace in one...$14]

Rings $6   Earrings $4 Brooch(green) $7
Everything is Recycled except the jewelry findings on most of these but usually i do recycle old jewelry.

Necklace  $15
 This collection was inspired by my sister Rae who likes photography & my friend Natalie from Total Immortal Photography also among other friends and their interests. Like my friend Sam who loves dinosaurs like i love owls & cats...
LOOK!! Lady Gaga Earrings!!!     $6
Cant see it but i had a resin ring made from old shriveled garlic!!
It amazes me how many people guess before they realise its garlic.
Wish i took an upclose photo! But will ask Leanne from Young Eves to send me a photo of her new ring & brooch!!

Im not a gaga fan but i know people who are and assumed these would sell!!

Large Pendants [recycled postcards] $10  
w/ chain $15

Brooches $7      Rings $5     Necklace $15

Recycled Sylvia Ji Photo Image Brooch    $7

Also in resin jewelry Im working on another batch, filled w/ more stale cereals, pasta/ramen, lollies, garlic/all kinds of fruits & veges, cardboard & other packaging, **cough cough** unused (of course) kitty has a really nice texture to it..(Im always stepping on some pistols that Teo kicks out!)., bird seeds, lint, cat fur (cos Haru sheds a lot!)

Some would say im telling waaay too much info for a "designer", am i? Should i stop talking?

Also from today i had popped a garment up on the half mannequin, you sorta can see the straps very well but will pop them up on the dummy at school or do a tiny photo shoot soon!! With Total Immortal Photography w/ her sister Claudia & Sam Dinosaur...they dont know it yet! Lol. But they're gonna do it...i'll bribe them with chocolate...or vegan food!! yeeeh!

There was 3 singlets like these but different colours and prints or should i say shibori techniques. I specialize in more experimental textiles side to fashion.

I should take more photos of my stuff!! Remind me later yes?! Thanks....

Well the feet are freezing, hot water bottle needs a refill (recycled gets its own kettle...i once tasted the water from the water bottle by accident- tasted like poisonous rubber...) yeh never again!

Cool i hope you like what u saw...will be getting some business cards from moo & also getting a diy self inking stamping kit for swing tags...& if you bring it with you next time you visit me i might take 5% off your next purchase!!! Sound rad, right?

Well this is it for me tonight.

XOXO nellie

1 comment:

  1. Also with resin jewelry...there will be garden stuff...grass/flowers/vege +fruit scraps...and working on my bowls!!

    ooh and some paper mache!!

    awesome shit will be made!! i'll try to keep you all posted!!
